一般社団法人PCA おもいやりのちから English 英語,韓国の犬猫肉事件・ニュース,過去の犬猫肉反対活動やアクション,Other Languages 【終了しました】韓国犬肉反対 韓国へ1万書の署名提出/Over 10,000 Petition Signatures Were Handed Over from Japan to the South Korean Authority

【終了しました】韓国犬肉反対 韓国へ1万書の署名提出/Over 10,000 Petition Signatures Were Handed Over from Japan to the South Korean Authority

📍English Below









お手紙 ⇩


面談希望の目的は、日本市民の方々が集められた韓国犬肉廃止を求める請願書の伝達と、 先日、東京を含む日本のあらゆる地域、そして、ロンドン、ワシントンD.C.、ワルシャワ、ヘルシンキなど世界各国の韓国大使館・領事館前で、犬肉産業廃止を求めるデモがおこなわれた件に関してです。(犬肉産業という)全世界が注目の最大懸念問題に関して、外国からの請願書を、郵送ではなく委員長様に直接お渡ししたほうが積極的な世界中の方々の意向に沿うことができ、私たちの礼を尽く

犬肉産業者が頻繁に違反を犯している現行法は20以上ありますが、その所管部署の1つ「国土交通部」は農林畜産食品部や環境部と同等な比重を占めています。 それにもかかわらず、国土交通部が委員会に含まれていないのは、違法性という最たる基本問題が見過ごされたまま議論は続けられているという事です。 犬肉産業実態調査の項目にも、犬肉産業の不法性が反映されていません。これは今の議論構造が自己公正能力がないということを示しています。 そして記事によれば、委員会では、2人の動物保護団体の参加がありますが、現在の動物活動路線の地形では、その団体は、動物運動を代表することはできません。


Thank you very much all.

We have entrusted the S. Korean animal rights organization CARE with more than 10,000 petition signatures gathered in Japan, which were addressed to the S. Korean government, urging the government to ban the Korean dog meat trade right away.
The other day, we received a call from Mr. Kim Yong Hwa, the representative of CARE.

I would like to inform you that the following letter has been sent to the chairman of the “Dog Meat Problem Discussion Committee” 🙏

(⚠️At the moment, the key person to banning S. Korean dog meat trade is the chairman of the Dog Meat Issue Discussion Committee).

The Dog Meat Issue Discussion Committee held its second meeting in December 2021.

South Korea, which is in the international community, cannot ignore the voices from all over the world now! ️

The international society never admits that it is a developed country such as a dog meat country! ️

The world must unite and continue to protest them! ️
Letter ⇩

To Mr. Jeong Kwan-ho, Chairperson of the Dog Meat Issue Discussion Committee:

This is Kim Yong Hwa, the representative of the animal rights organization CARE. When we asked you for an interview last week, you said you were overseas, but have you already returned to South Korea?
The purposes of the interview we are asking you are to convey you the petition gathered by the Japanese citizens in Japan and also the demonstrations holding outside the South Korean embassies/ consulates all over the world including Tokyo, London, Washington D.C., Warsaw, and Helsinki: The people around the world are strongly calling for the abolition of the dog meat trade of S. Korea.

Regarding the issue of greatest concern (the dog meat industry) that is strongly drwing the attention of the whole world, it would be better to hand the petitions which are from foreign countries directly to you.

We have decided that we can show our gratitude.
Please let me know if you can arrange a suitable time and place.

I would like to ask the chairman one more thing.

Could the Commission run an online bulletin board where the general public can submit their opinions on the Korean dog meat industry to the Commission?
As far as I know, the Dog Meat Issue Discussion Committee’s current closed discussion is unable to adequately deal with the dog meat business issue.
For example, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Food and the Ministry of Environment are among the government departments involved in the committee, but the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is not included.
There are more than 20 current laws that dog meat manufacturers frequently violate, and one of the jurisdictional departments, the “Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism,” occupies an equal weight with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Food and the Ministry of Environment. Despite this, the reason why the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is not included in the committee is that the most basic issue of illegality has been overlooked and the debate continues. The items of the dog meat industry fact-finding survey do not reflect the illegality of the dog meat industry. This shows that the current discussion structure is incapable of self-righteousness. And according to the article, there are two animal protection groups on the committee, but the current terrain of the animal movement route does not allow them to represent the animal movement.
From a formal point of view, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry arbitrarily established two animal groups according to its own standards, and did not undertake any procedures to obtain representation from other animal groups.
I think that having the committee set up an online message board and hearing from the general public would help to some extent in addressing the committee’s limitations mentioned above.

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