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レモンと3匹の犬たちは、1,500 体以上の巨大な墓地で発見された唯一の生存者。
レモンは現在緊急輸血を受けています。 強制妊娠出産を繰り返した結果の損傷した性器の緊急手術が必要。容態は深刻ですが、団体CAREはレモンの回復に全力を尽くします。
別の子「ポミ」ちゃんの後ろ足は股関節形成不全、腰膝の手術が必要.最近出産した 1 歳の犬の「ウヒョン」ちゃんは、栄養失調と皮膚病に苦しんでいます。救助されたこの子たちは皆、重度の耳や皮膚の疾患や栄養失調のため長期にわたる集中的な治療が必。

Lemon has been subjected to forced breeding and birth, prolonged confinement, and insurmountable suffering before being callously discarded. Though she was fortunate enough to be rescued from a nightmarish place, the shadow of death still looms over her. Lemon’s survival is not only vital for her own well-being but also as a powerful symbol that sheds light on the harsh realities of the breeding industry and the unimaginable suffering that breeding animals endure. CARE has named this project, Lemon, Free.
Colossal Graveyard of Starving Animals: 1,500 Bodies Found at End of Breeding Industry
Lemon and her companions were the only survivors found in a colossal graveyard of over 1,500 bodies. By a stroke of luck, they became the final arrivals of this ghastly place before its existence was brought to light. But had they not been found, they too would have perished in the silence of the graveyard, without a name or a chance to survive. Their bodies would have been consumed by the next wave of doomed dogs. And the cycle of suffering and death would have multiplied to catastrophic proportions.
These deaths are not anomalies. They are happening everywhere in our country right now. And unless the commercial breeding and trading of animals are legally banned, they will continue to happen in the future.
Lemon is currently undergoing an urgent blood transfusion to save her life. After repeated forced pregnancies and births, Lemon was left with severely damaged genitals that turned necrotic.

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